What are the NGSS?
California’s new state standards for science, called the Next Generation Science Standards (CA-NGSS), ask students to think and behave like scientists and engineers. When students understand how scientists and engineers do their work, and have opportunities to carry out investigations and design solutions, they become more engaged in their learning and increase their comprehension.

Why do we need the NGSS?
Our fast-paced, increasingly digital world requires California’s students be equipped with the critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills required for college and jobs today and in the future. No matter the career or occupation, the skills and competencies gained through a strong science education will be essential.
How are the NGSS organized?
The NGSS are 3-Dimensional. Meaning that each of the standards or Performance Expectations has three components. All three parts are considered the content are explicitly taught.
1. The DCI - Disciplinary Core Idea, the topic.
2. The SEP - Science and Engineering Practices, what scientists do.
3. CCC - Cross Cutting Concepts, how scientists think.
The standards spiral, and increase in complexity starting in kindergarten and ending in high school.